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[机翻] HN-1感染患者血浆白细胞介素-7水平升高与T细胞亚群CDl27和CD132细胞外表达降低相关
摘要 : Background. Interleukin (IL)-7 levels are increased in patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (H1V-l)-associated lymphopenia; however, the effects of this on IL-7 receptor (IL-7R) expression, disease progression, and im... 展开

[机翻] 蛋白酶抑制剂Tipranavir联合利托那韦治疗经验丰富患者的疗效:RESIST-1试验的24周分析
摘要 : Background. Improved treatment options are needed for patients infected with multidrug-resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). The nonpeptidic protease inhibitor tipranavir has demonstrated antiviral activity agains... 展开

[机翻] 从失败的核苷类似物治疗转为利托那韦增强的印地那韦和依非韦仑治疗的患者体内成分和线粒体核酸含量的变化
摘要 : BackgroundBody composition changes complicate antiretroviral therapy. Improvements in lipoatrophy after a switch in nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) have been demonstrated. We investigated 60 patients switching ... 展开

[机翻] 药动学指导的茚地那韦剂量减少在茚地那韦相关肾毒性治疗中的应用
摘要 : Objectives: Indinavir is associated with nephrotoxicity. Therapeutic drug monitoring of indinavir improves clinical outcome, but there is little data regarding therapeutic drug monitoring for patients with established indinavir-as... 展开

[机翻] 接受利托那韦增强的沙奎那韦和依法韦仑联合或不联合恩福韦肽治疗的HIV感染患者的病毒衰变动力学:一项随机对照试验(HIV-NAT 012)
摘要 : The availability of enfuvirtide enables assessment of whether human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) decay can be enhanced by targeting reverse transcriptase, protease, and fusion. We performed a 12-week study of 22 patients randomize... 展开